Did Mike Tyson Convert To Islam During His Prison Days? Boxing Legend Opens Up On Religion


Mike Tyson, the former heavyweight world champion has always been regarded as one of the most intimidating fighters in the history of boxing. ‘The Baddest Man on the Planet’ is widely considered as the greatest heavyweight boxer of all time.

However, outside the boxing ring, Mike Tyson has often been on the wrong side of the law. Mike Tyson was convicted of rape in 1992 and the world champion boxer was taken into police custody before spending three years in jail.

While Mike Tyson has always been an eccentric character, ‘Iron Mike’ reportedly displayed a change in his personality during his time in prison. According to reports, Mike Tyson also converted to Islam after embracing solace through Islamic preaching and beliefs.

Is Mike Tyson Muslim? Mike Tyson religion


Mike Tyson reportedly converted to Islam while spending time in prison. The boxing great garnered a lot of negative attention after being convicted of rape. Mike Tyson was then known for his violent personality and decided to embrace Islam later. In an interview after being released from prison, Mike Tyson said he was very moved after reading books on Islam and decided to become a Muslim since he saw Islam as a religion of peace.


Mike Tyson religion: Is Mike Tyson Muslim? Tyson adopt different name

Mike Tyson adopted a different name after converting to Islam. According to reports, Mike Tyson changed his name to Malik Abdul Aziz after becoming a Muslim. However, he continued to go by “Mike Tyson” throughout his boxing career and his Muslim name was never used in any of his professional boxing contests after he converted.


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