WWE’S “Nigerian Giant” Omos Has Received A Couple Of Major Opportunities As Of Late On Premium Live Events: Facing Seth Rollins And Brock Lesnar


WWE’s “Nigerian Giant” Omos has received a couple of major opportunities as of late on premium live events. At WrestleMania 39, Omos battled Brock Lesnar before taking on another former world champion in Seth Rollins at WWE Backlash. He may have come up short in both of those bouts, but he did favor one over the other.

“I would say WrestleMania because it’s always a dream working with Brock,” Omos said during a recent appearance on “DC101.” “It’s also a dream working against Seth Rollins, but I think [Lesnar] was the one I was hoping to get before he decides to ride into the sunset.”

Omos admitted there were nerves going into the match with Lesnar, but by the time he stood across the ring from “The Beast,” those nerves were gone. He described the experience of working with Lesnar as intense and that he earned his paycheck that night despite his inexperience getting the best of him.


The former “Raw” Tag Team Champion also hailed his match with Rollins as “incredible” after the two crossed paths for the first time ever in Puerto Rico. “I gotta give my props to Seth Rollins, man,” Omos stated. “He’s an amazing performer.”

The 28-year-old former basketball player signed with WWE in 2019 and began making televised appearances in 2020. He then made his in-ring debut at WrestleMania 37 in a tag team match alongside AJ Styles. Since then, Omos has continued to appear on WrestleMania cards and has taken part in two Royal Rumble matches.


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