Fans Go Wild As Gang Leader Pays For Sending Death Threats To Mike Tyson: Homie Got Knocked Out And Stomp On


When he was alive, Mike Tyson was a formidable opponent. James Tillis ended his winning run for the first time. Now, this gave the other boxers encouragement that they could defeat “Iron” Mike.

Many boxers saw hope in Tillis’ victory because it showed Tyson wasn’t unbeatable. And Mitch Green’s chapter began with him challenging Tyson to a boxing battle. He made videos criticizing him, and HBO used to play them in between broadcasts. Well, in the year 1986, Mike Tyson accepted his challenge and entered the boxing ring with him.

The supporters are now ecstatic as they are reminded of this boxing match because Green resigned from boxing following this match and returned to the streets. The best heavyweight boxer of all time was Mike Tyson, who later achieved fame.

But after a while, Mike Tyson ran into Green in front of a restaurant, and Tyson punched Green in the face. Tyson also tore Green’s eye out during the altercation. Although there isn’t any concrete proof of the disaster, both of them insist that it took place.

“Homie Got Knocked Out and Stomp On”: Fans Go Wild as Gang Leader Pays for Sending Death Threats to Mike Tyson in Forgotten Clip


Fans’ reaction to the history of Mike Tyson and Mitch Green
There is a video on Youtube by BLTV Classic, who investigated the whole incident and shared it with boxing fans all around.


In the video, it’s revealed that the two gentlemen have moved past their history and now are on somewhat good terms.

The fans had varied opinions about this incident. Let’s look at some comments.

Pollo Ytk Gaxg pointed out that Green was punched a lot in his fight. They wrote, “Homie got knocked out and Stomp on I’m death haha“.

Another fan, Kallum Hattam, wrote, “Tysons head movement round 5 1:15 – 4.45mins in Connor Hattam“.

Derek Jackson had to say this about Mike Tyson, “In my opinion the only boxer better than tyson is ali”

One fan, Adrian Ganan Dicen, rightfully said, “Mitch Green could ve been an instagram celebrity with those content“.

Ming Wang made a hilarious joke, “I’ve never seen Steve Harvey thin before“.

A fan, Barachias Royzee Royee, wrote, “Green forgot Tyson was from the Bronx street fighting before becoming a boxer“.

Well, it’s quite an old feud, and both fighters are way past it. But it’s fascinating how Green was able to showcase his callouts in a day and age when the concept of social media was alien.


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