The Gruesome Trophy: The Shocking Fate Of Evander Holyfield’S Ear, Severed By Mike Tyson 25 Years Ago


This June 28 marks the 25th anniversary of one of the most unusual and iconic moments in the history of boxing and sports in general: Mike Tyson’s bite to Evander Holyfield’s ear in their rematch fight.

Tyson lost to Buster Douglas on February 11, 1990 in Tokyo, Japan. In 1992 he went to prison accused of rape by Desiree Washington; in 1995 he was released and in 1996 he had his second defeat in professional boxing: Evander Holyfield knocked him out in 11 rounds on November 9 at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas.

The rematch was agreed for June 28, 1997, the scenario would be the same, but this time the rage and thirst for revenge that Mike Tyson had dominated him.

The famous fight renamed “The Bite Fight”
As in the first fight, Holyfield dominated the fight, he was better than a diminished Tyson, Mike did not last long, and in an unusual event in the history of boxing and sport, he bit his opponent’s ear.


In a clinch, “Iron Mike” pulled out all his desperation and bit off a piece of Holyfield’s ear, who incredulously complained to referee Mills Lane, who checked it and decided to disqualify Mike Tyson to the surprise of the audience, who did not know what was going on.


It wasn’t until the arena screen showed in slow motion when Tyson bit Holyfield that the fans understood the whole situation.

Tyson was scarred for life, suspended and did not fight again until 1999. Holyfield retained the full World Boxing Association title, but lost part of his ear. The fight went down in history as “The Bite Fight.”

Undoubtedly this event will be remembered throughout boxing history, a chapter that no one will forget in Mike Tyson’s career, for which he is still being criticized to this day.

But the question is, what happened to Holyfield’s piece of ear? According to several media reports, the former boxer and his then physical trainer Tim Hallmark said that it was lost in the ambulance in which Evander was being transported from the MGM to the hospital.


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