“My D**K Got Hard,” Vulnerable Mike Tyson Brutally Reveals Getting An Erection From Fighting And Violence


Mike Tyson has made some bizarre statements in the past. Nevertheless, one of the weirdest things he ever said publicly was regarding his erection from violence. It even shocked some of his contemporaries upon such a revelation.

Mike Tyson is one of the few boxing legends who has earned love and respect from the people while being aloof. Unlike his role model, Muhammad Ali or MMA superstar Conor McGregor, Tyson has no style of speech or mannerisms. “Iron” Mike wanted to eat babies and kill people, but even if we consider these statements exaggerated, his comment on his arousal towards “violence” is suspicious.


An interview from the past shows an occasion where Mike Tyson explained his love for fighting and violence. Tyson exerted his full efforts in an attempt to describe his passion for violence. But this attempt resulted in Tyson’s loss. Mike said, “I get an erection for violence. I don’t get off on it, but I get hard.” This is not the only time he has discussed “aroused feelings” for the act.

Mike Tyson has even discussed these feelings with Joe Rogan, which shocked the UFC commentator. Let’s hope Mike Tyson is just trying to be highly poetic with his words about sexual feelings toward violence.

Mike Tyson shows his passion for fighting at a Khabib Nurmagomedov match

Although Tyson has said some suspicious things in the past, his general attitude toward combat sports remains quite typical and, sometimes, inspiring. The UFC is one such entity that has admired Tyson’s legacy and approached him for partnerships. One such occasion of Tyson showing his love for the sport at a UFC event came at a Khabib Nurmagomedov fight at UFC 160.


Khabib Nurmagomedov is one of the greatest fighters in history, and his fight with Abel Trujillo is one of Khabib’s stepping stones to greatness. Another highlight of this fight was the presence of boxing legend Mike Tyson. In the face-off between the two fighters, Nurmagomedov got annoyed and shoved Trujillo. This aggression excited Tyson, who raised his hands, signaling his entertainment.

It’s safe to say that Mike Tyson’s presence at such crucial events must be a significant confidence boost for the participants. Tyson should stick to inspiring fighters rather than worry fans through his sexual tendencies.


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