Mike Tyson Joins Fans To Celebrate 1.9 Billion Affair And Wishes ‘Ramadan Kareem’ To His Muslim Fans


Mike Tyson has been on an enlightenment journey since his retirement. When Mike Tyson was in prison, he converted to Islam. There are many incidents and personal choices in Tyson’s life that have set him apart from the rest. Mike Tyson tries to visit Mecca on a frequent basis. Recently he visited a few months ago, with DJ Khaled for the holy Islamic pilgrimage, Umrah. Mike Tyson has always considered himself to be a devoted Muslim.

Mike Tyson wishes ‘Ramadan Kareem’ to his Muslim fans

Ramadan started on Mar 23, 2023, and will end on Apr 21, 2023, but Mike Tyson wished his fans a bit later amidst the holy month. The message of this auspicious occasion is quite a special one. Similarly, Tyson’s Post stated that Ramadan is the month of forgiveness and kindness, and no one should hold any grudges or negative feelings for any other person during this month.

In the Instagram Post, there is a beautiful poster, in which there is a calligraphic text in the center, that reads, “Ramadan Kareem.” And then some lanterns are seen hanging above, with a half moon on the lower side. So, it’s quite an aesthetically pleasing poster, depicting the Islamic holy month.


And in the caption, Mike Tyson gave all of his fans some insight into this holy month. He wrote, “We should all practice being better people everyday. Ramadan is a reminder to Muslims and others to practice love and kindness.”


Mike Tyson takes his religion very seriously and is a keen believer in the Almighty. Recently he even went to Mecca with fellow Muslim boxers, where the fans were upset about the rude filming of Tyson during a prayer. Every fan loves hearing Tyson’s thoughts on such important topics. Recently, Mike Tyson even shared his unique perspective on God in one of the episodes of his podcast.

Mike Tyson’s different perspective on God
He said, “What is God? My perspective, I think we are in the little rocket, when we leave the earth, and when we look back at the earth and that’s God. The earth is God. This is God.”

He further added that even natural calamities like earthquakes and Tornadoes are also can be considered as ‘God’. He claimed humans just to be “insects”; like plants, we all have a season. And then we have to follow the natural course of death, and it happens to everybody, so nobody should be scared of it.


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