Muhammad Ali Vs Mike Tyson: Did They Fight? And Who Is Best?


Fans of Muhammad Ali have a love affair with his speed. However, Muhammad was simply too fast. Ali moved quickly. The fact that the majority of heavyweights in Mike Tyson’s time were as slow as molasses added to the legend of his speed.

To avoid punches, he relied on his quickness and agility. So his defence was like playing Russian roulette in boxing. This game caused his face to become the landing pad for tens of thousands of precise punches. Joe Frazier defeated Muhammad within an inch of his life in their first fight despite Ali’s quickness and speed.

Mike Tyson fans have a love affair with Tyson’s strength and intimidating demeanour, and they believe that he would easily knock Muhammad out. Mike Tyson could make grown men scream and tremble. Many opponents were intimidated by Mike Tyson’s ice-cold stare and menacing ring entrance.

Those men weren’t Muhammad Ali at all. Without being knocked out, Muhammad resisted the thunderous hooks and uppercuts of George Foreman, Archie Moore, Joe Frazier, and Ken Norton. Due to his mafia connections, Sonny Liston may have been a more intimidating boxer than Mike Tyson. Two times, Muhammad humiliated him and made fun of him.


At the time of his passing, Muhammad had an estimated net worth of $80 million. The American boxer was among the highest-paid athletes in the world at the height of his career.
Mike’s estimated net worth in 2022 is $10 million, according to Forbes. His estimated net worth at the height of his career was $300 million.

Mike Tyson vs Muhammad Ali: Did they fight
Muhammad is widely considered the greatest heavyweight boxer there has ever been. As far as notoriety goes, Tyson is not far behind at all. Their careers did not overlap and they never met in the ring.

Muhammad Ali vs Mike Tyson: Who is best
Boxing legend Muhammad once admitted that he might not have been able to handle a punch from Mike Tyson if the two had ever fought. Ali is widely considered the greatest heavyweight boxer there has ever been. As far as notoriety goes, Tyson is not far behind at all.


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