Mike Tyson Vs George Foreman Join List Of Great Tear Ups We Never Saw Like


Mike Tyson vs George Foreman
The two most destructive heavyweight punchers of their own generations – but there was a window where this could’ve happened.

Foreman’s comeback in his 40s coincided with Tyson’s prime and for a while the pair were the two most marketable boxers on the planet.

A bout was discussed, but there were fears for Foreman’s health against ‘Iron Mike’.


And yet the flaws that undid Tyson – his own lack of focus, especially against an opponent with a solid chin and a good jab – could actually have played into Foreman’s hands.


Still, Foreman in retirement politely played down any thoughts he could’ve won at that age.

“Mike Tyson was a monster,” Big George said.

“Those are the kind of guys you see in a nightmare, and you go: ‘Wake up, wake up!’”


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