Tricks Help Mike Tyson, 56, Looks In Good Spirits At Dinner With A Female Friend After Sciatica


The former boxer, 56, recently revealed that he suffers from the nerve condition Sciatica that has at times left him in a wheelchair and at its worst left him ‘unable to even talk.’

Yet Iron Mike looked in good health and good spirits on the outing as he beamed broadly at passersby.

Feeling good: Mike Tyson, 56, looked in good spirits at dinner with a female friend in New York on Monday after revealing his Sciatica battle that sometimes leaves him unable to walk or talk


The sportsman opted for casual attire, pairing a blue striped T-shirt with jeans, a navy leather jacket and box-fresh white trainers.

His female companion looked stylish in a black crop top and flared trousers that she matched with a striped longline cardigan.


Tyson sparked concerns from fans last month when photos showed the star requiring wheelchair assistance at the airport while also clutching a walking stick.

Sciatica is where the sciatic nerve, which runs from your lower back to your feet, is irritated or compressed. It usually gets better in 4 to 6 weeks but can last longer.

If you have sciatica, a doctor may suggest exercises and stretches or prescribe pain killers


They might also refer you for: physiotherapy – including exercise advice and techniques like massage (manual therapy) and psychological support – to help you cope with the pain

If your pain is severe and treatments from a GP have not helped, they may refer you to a hospital specialist for painkilling injections – a procedure to seal off some of the nerves in your back so they stop sending pain signals.

Or you may require surgery – an operation called decompression surgery can sometimes help relieve sciatica


However, Tyson sought to clarify speculation surrounding his health in an interview with Newsmax TV.

‘I have sciatica every now and then, it flares up. When it flares up, I can’t even talk! Thank God it’s the only health problem I have. I’m splendid now,’ he said.

‘Everybody in my house is truly blessed and we’re all very grateful for whatever we have.’

The condition impacts nerve endings in the body with Tyson appearing to be suffering with complications related to his back.

Mike, as he was known, was forced to retire from the ring in 2005 owing to back problems.

There have long been concerns for Tyson’s health with the American known to have lived life to its fullest across his 56 years.

Drug problems, combined with his never-say-die attitude within the ring that saw him go toe-to-toe with some of the most notable heavyweights of his era, have left many fearing for the long-term health of the boxing great.

Trevante Rhodes stars as Mike Tyson in the trailer for ‘Mike’
Mike himself inferred on his own Hotboxin’ podcast that he did not believe he had long left to live.

‘We’re all gonna die one day of course. Then, when I look in the mirror, I see those little spots on my face,’ he said.

‘I say, “Wow. That means my expiration date is coming close, really soon.”‘

Sciatica is where the sciatic nerve, which runs from your lower back to your feet, is irritated or compressed. It usually gets better in 4 to 6 weeks but can last longer.


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