What Does Former WWE Star Jacques Rougeau Say About Vince Mcmahon’S Montreal Screwjob Decision?


Everybody has a different opinion on the Montreal Screwjob involving Vince McMahon and Bret Hart. And now former WWE star Jacques Rougeau or The Mountie has also stated his view on the Montreal Screwjob.

Jacques Rougeau worked for WWE for about eight years, from 1986 to 1994 and became the Intercontinental Champion in 1992 by beating Bret Hart as The Mountie. Though Rougeau worked for WCW during the Montreal Screwjob which happened in 1997, he came out in support of Vince McMahon. Here is everything that we know about the same.

Jacques Rougeau on Montreal Screwjob
In a recent interview with the Wrestling News, Jacques Rougeau came out in support of what Vince McMahon did that night.

Rougeau said, ‘After everything that was given to Bret, all the opportunities, the titles, the exposure, Bret had to give the belt back in an honorable way. That was the only decision to do, and I think Vince did the absolute right thing to do. He worked with Hebner. He worked with Earl Hebner. He worked it with Shawn Michaels’.


Jacques Rougeau also further said that he completely agreed what happened that night as the belt needs to be given back honorably after holding it.

According to the documentary ‘Wrestling With Shadows’, Vince McMahon and Bret Hart agreed on ‘schmozzing’ the ending with the latter’s allies like Jim Neidhart, Owen Hart, and The British Bulldog interfering in the match leading to the DQ Finish. However, when Shawn Michaels went for Bret’s move during the match, McMahon called for the bell to ring which apparently ‘screwed’ Sharpshooter out of his title.


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