Goldberg Comments On His Match With The Undertaker, Says He Was Knocked Out


Goldberg took to Twitter to comment on his match with The Undertaker at Super ShowDown.

He noted that he was knocked out and still tried to finish the match.

He wrote, “Knocked myself out and thought I could finish…. love my fans…..but let u down. Everyone else that found “pleasure” ….. hope ur happy”

As noted earlier, immediately after the match he was c hecked out backstage by WWE trainers and the belief is that he suffered a concussion.


It looked like he was badly hurt when he rammed his head into the second turnbuckle during a missed spear spot. Goldberg also may have been hurt after his neck was jammed during a Tombstone. Check out the clip below:

Taker was clearly upset in the ring at how the match played out. We’ll pass along more updates on Goldberg when we get them.


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