When Words Ignite Fury: Chris Jericho’s Controversial Comment about The Undertaker Sparks Backstage Heat


Chris Jericho Called The Undertaker “Boring” During A Promo:

The promo in question took place on the August 16, 1999, episode of Monday Night Raw. This was Chris Jericho’s second week in the company, and he had already interrupted The Rock on his debut. This time, he interrupted The Undertaker, who was putting over The Big Show during his promo.

It happened around the time when The Undertaker was the leader of The Ministry, The Big Show had recently debuted, and they had formed an unlikely partnership. Their tag team was called The Unholy Alliance.

That night, Undertaker was in the ring with Big Show and Paul Bearer:

And they were talking about their upcoming match at SummerSlam for the World Tag Team Titles. This was a pretty important match, so Undertaker and Bearer decided to put Big Show to the test. They made him ride through Death Valley (where it’s 120 degrees) on a Harley Davidson, but there was one catch: Big Show had enough gas to get there but not to come back.

So, after his motorbike ran out of gas, ‘Taker asked him how he would survive? The Big Show gave a very gruesome answer. He arrogantly replied: “I’m gonna wait ’til you go to sleep, I’m gonna stab you in the back, I’m gonna cut your flesh off, make a coat out of it, and I’m gonna eat your flesh until I find food.” Undertaker said he never sleeps and rode away with his bike. He waited for The Big Show, and two days later, there he was on the outskirts of Death Valley with a “snake necktie and lizard boots, carryin’ his Harley-Davidson on his shoulder.” It was one of the most boring promises Undertaker ever cut in his career, and the only good thing about it was Chris Jericho interrupted right after and went on to make fun of Undertaker.


Chris Jericho Was Warned By Wrestlers Not To Do This Again:

Jericho said Undertaker’s promo was so bad he had to come here and save it. He also called him “the personification of boredom.”

Jericho said it was scary how much time Taker got on television as it forced people to switch to a different channel and Jericho was the “hero” they were looking for.

He had come to save WWE and make them hot because again.

It was no longer going to be “Raw Is Snore” but “Raw is Jericho” and with him being there, everything was about to change. The Undertaker did try to come back later, but it just didn’t feel the same.

He didn’t get punished for his promo that night and it would’ve really dumb if he did. Shortly after this, Jericho won his first title in WWE (the Intercontinental Championship belt) and went on to become one of the biggest wrestling names in just a few years. He has always been a great promo and has saved several segments in his career just like The Undertaker one.


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