Mike Tyson Didn’t Deny Robbing Wu-Tang Clan Member U-God’s Mother — ‘When He Sees Me, Tell Him To Ask For the Money’


Back when he was still a little kid, Mike Tyson allegedly snatched the earrings of Wu-Tang Clan member U-God’s mother. The retired boxer didn’t deny the event when he was asked about it in a recent interview.

Mike Tyson grew up in one of America’s worst neighborhoods

Mike Tyson has never been shy when it comes to talking about his childhood. He spoke freely about the volatile environment he grew up in during a recent interview with VLAD TV.

“It’s bad stuff, it’s really bad stuff,” Tyson said. “People tying people up and doing bad things to ‘em over drugs and stuff. To their family members, just real bad stuff that you don’t even want to mention … Anything you can think of someone did to abuse a human being, they did it there.”

Tyson credits his rough upbringing with developing him into Iron Mike, the person he became known as.

“I’m a product of fear,” Tyson said. “I’m a scary guy bec ause I grew up there. … I don’t care if being Mike Tyson, the toughest guy … That’s bull—-. If I wasn’t able to see what I saw in Brownsville, there’s no way I could have been able to be the person I am today. … I know this is what happens … Once we’re born, our process of dying starts right there.”



Mike Tyson allegedly robbed Wu-Tang Clan member U-God’s mother as a child

U-God, one of the lesser-known members of the Wu-Tang Clan, revealed the information during a 2019 interview with VLAD TV.


“Yeah, that’s what my mother said, but you know, it is what it is man,” U-God said. “He knows what time it is, man. I can’t really talk about it. If I see him, he’s gonna be laughing.”

Allegedly, Tyson ran up on U-God’s mother and took her earrings out of her ears, right in front of U-God. This happened when the two of them were just little kids, still living in Brownsville, Brooklyn.

“I was a baby man, I was probably like, about eight years old,” U-God said. “Eight, nine years old, man.”


The retired heavyweight champion didn’t deny the allegations

When asked about the incident, Tyson did not deny that it happened. In fact, he offered to pay back U-God for any offense he may have committed.

“Well, his name is U-God?” Tyson asked. “Well you tell U-God I got the money to pay him back now, so when he sees me, tell him to ask for the money and I’ll give it to him.”

Tyson then explained how he must have been in a very dire situation at the time if he was stealing from people’s mothers.

“If I snatch your mother’s earrings, that means you have more money than me,” Tyson said.


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