A Healing Journey: John Fury’s Apology to Mike Tyson 37 Years After Cus D’Amato’s Passing


Mike Tyson underwent some of the most challenging phases of his life during his teenage years. He finally found a father figure when Cus D’Amato brought him to his stable. The Italian-American trainer eventually became his legal guardian when his mother passed away in 1982. John Fury reminisced about this relationship when he and Mike Tyson joined in an interview.

Constantine’ Cus’ D’Amato started as an amateur, like most boxers. However, an eye injury cut short any future as a fighter. At age twenty-two, the son of Italian immigrants became a trainer. Floyd Patterson, who became the youngest Heavyweight champion at age twenty-one, was the most famous pupil of D’Amato. In ‘Iron’ Mike’s words, nothing scared him more than the old trainer’s call for a one-on-one discussion post-fights.

John Fury on Mike Tyson and his legendary trainer Cus D’Amato

On November 5, 1985, Mike Tyson lost the person who came closest to being his father. During the recently launched Boxing Arabia’s second episode, John Fury enjoyed a fan moment, sitting alongside the boxer he idolized and even named his son after him. Mike Tyson and the former bare-knuckle fighter got together. The latter went back to the days when his craze for watching ‘Iron Mike’ fight led him to tinker with old petrol generators as he didn’t have electricity at home.


Then he described how he grieved for Tyson when Cus D’Amato left for his heavenly abode. He said, “You know, I spent my whole life admiring him, you know, and I felt sorry for him at the same time because, you know, for a guy, when Cus died, he was like a father to him.” On an emotional note, John Fury shared how it made him sad to watch old documentaries of Tyson—especially the ones where he would be with his pigeons and D’Amato.

Fury continued, “I thought, you know what, if he could come here and meet us, we could be his brothers; their father could have been his father and looked after him for the man he is, not for what people can get out out of him.”

Roughly a year after Cus D’Amato died, Mike Tyson broke the previously held record of Floyd Patterson. He became the Youngest Heavyweight champion in boxing’s history on November 22, 1986.


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