Amir Tyson Hard-Hitting Reveals How Mike Tyson Handled Stress And Fear Before His Fights


Amir Tyson is an actor and also a boxing commentator amongst other things. He recently launched a clothing line and has turned his focus to that. Amir Tyson took to Instagram to share a reel of Jeff Bezos sharing his sound advice on how to tackle stress in our daily life.

Bezos states, “Stress does not come from hard work. Stress primarily comes from not taking action over something that you can have some control over”. He adds, “The mere fact that we’re addressing it dramatically reduces any stress that might come”.

It just goes to show, that stress can be felt by any individual but how to tackle that is one’s choice. Evident to say that Amir Tyson also subscribes to the same notion as he shared the reel on his Instagram Story.

How Mike Tyson Handled stress and fear before his fights


Professional boxing is no walk in the park. One has to put their health and at times life on the line to compete. Naturally, one may develop fear, anxiousness, and stress in the lead-up to a fight. Surprisingly, Tyson was no such exception. He once publicly stated that he too felt anxious during the walkouts of his bout. He states, “And that walk to the ring and the waiting around before you get into the ring is very daunting for any fighter. I can tell you myself,” as per talkSPORT.


He then adds how he handled the same. He states, “Once the bell goes to fight, the fear leaves you because it’s time to fight. But the build-up, the walk to the cage or ring, it’s very, very emotional for a person because you have all sorts of thoughts going in your head.”



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