The Fateful Night Of 1988 Made Mike Tyson Equal To The Greats In World Sports, Michael Jordan, Muhammad Ali


Teddy Atlas, who trained Tyson during his early days before the pair had a falling out, had lauded Tyson before for his victory over Michael Spinks.
In a recent episode of his ‘The Fight With’ podcast, Atlas reiterated those words and elaborated considerably.

He said: That particular night he was as good as any heavyweight in the history of the sport. That night, he was calm, controlled, and supremely confident.

“Tyson was like Michael Jordan in basketball. You can’t beat me. I control the universe.
“When you’re at that level, even in a chaotic place, you see sense. You’re calm in an uncalm place and that was Tyson.


“That night Mike Tyson had it all. Calmness, speed, and power. I don’t think anyone could beat him that night.


“Tyson knew that he wanted to convey a feeling to Spinks so he came out hot and fast, but calculating. He wanted the guy to be on the back foot and be set for that right hand.

“He was sending a message. When he backed him into the ropes in the first round he hits him with a left uppercut and he goes over and he finds the body boom!

“The first knockdown. Clean and brilliant. No one gives credit for that. Then Spinks gets up he gets the count he’s ready.


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