The Hangover’s Untold Tale: How Mike Tyson’s Lifestyle Erased His Memory of the Movie

Mike Tyson Does Not Remember His Cameo In The Hangover!

With Zach Galifianakis, Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, and Ken Jeong in notable roles, The Hangover was shot and directed by Todd Phillips back in 2009. With a unique premise for a movie, The Hangover earned quite fame and money after its release.

In the movie, Mike Tyson starred as himself and essentially gave a cameo. In the movie, the 3 characters steal one of Tyson’s tigers. After hilarity ensued, the three had to run away and Mike Tyson was left to do his business in peace. The former boxer referred to himself as a pig and stated that he was so blackout drunk that he did not even remember when he said yes for a cameo!

“I met the guys in a club, they were in the VIP section and I said, ‘This is where I normally sit, nobody’s normally here.’ So I went in there, I’m checking these guys to see what they’re doing in my section. It was Zach, the other guy, and he said, ‘We’re going to be in a movie with you’ and I said, ‘Yeah? When?’ And he said, ‘Tomorrow,’”


The former American boxer continued

“And I didn’t know as I was drinking and smoking back then, doing drugs so I didn’t know I was involved in the movie. So eventually I had to go and do the movie and it was a success.“


Mike Tyson also recalled his cocaine addiction in 2009 and his friendship with Bradley Cooper while starring in The Hangover Part 2.


Fans Knew Mike Tyson Because of The Hangover And Not Boxing!

The actor has indeed had a troubling lifestyle since he recalled the bad cocaine addiction that had gotten him down. He further revealed how his friendship with Bradley Cooper came to be and how times had changed for the boxer-turned-actor over the years.

“I was a mess. I was overweight. I was a pig, high on cocaine. One day I’m in a restaurant and the movie hadn’t come out yet, but the kids must have seen the preview of me punching Zach. So one of those sightseeing buses went by and all the kids came off the bus and grabbed me, taking pictures and my friend says, ‘I think we’ve got something here, Mike’ and I said, ‘Yeah, me too.’”

He further continued

“It’s been different, it’s changed ever since. When I go out and I meet younger kids that are 20 or 15, it’s because they watched ‘The Hangover’ — they had no idea that I used to be a boxer.”

Tyson is currently attached to two other upcoming projects and has been doing much better now since his new and improved lifestyle. The Hangover is available to stream on Netflix in the U.S.


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