After Prime Mike Tyson Earned $3.5 Million Now Cristiano Ronaldo Might Pocket $50M from WWE


WWE has a history of featuring celebrities at their events, from Donald Trump to Arnold Schwarzenegger. Many stars have graced the ring. Mike Tyson, for instance, entered the WWE world when he appeared at WrestleMania 14 in 1998.

Now, it’s Cristiano Ronaldo who’s reportedly set to make an appearance at the WWE Saudi Event. According to reports, he’s expected to earn a staggering $50 million, which is more than 10 times what Prime Tyson earned from his appearance.


While Mike Tyson at his prime earned $3.5M Payday Now Cristiano Ronaldo reportedly might pocket $50M

WWE is considering bringing CR7 to Saudi Arabia for their upcoming event and for that they are going beyond limit spending substantial financial commitment if necessary. Reports suggest that WWE might allocate a considerable sum, approximately $50 million, to secure Ronaldo’s presence at their prestigious event.

WWE, as is its tradition, is once again returning to Saudi Arabia for its annual “Crown Jewel” event, with the goal of setting an all-time attendance record. To achieve this, they are resorting to their tried-and-tested strategy of bringing in a major star. And Ronaldo is a perfect fit for it.




It’s true that Tyson served as the special enforcer for Stone Cold Steve Austin’s match at WrestleMania 14 in 1998, earning a substantial amount of money for that appearance. However, comparing that income to what CR7 might earn it’s really low. His earnings are likely to be far higher than what Tyson earned at that particular event.

Indeed, CR7 has consistently been one of the highest-earning athletes in the world. His transfer to Al Nassr, a club in Saudi Arabia, was a lucrative contract, adding to his already impressive earnings. With WWE’s recent merger the need for such spending is needed for substantial growth.


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