Jamie Foxx Shares Never Before Heard Mike Tyson Story Involving A Girl And Stevie Wonder


Jamie Foxx is famous for his storytelling, and everybody loves it whenever he describes an incident. As an amazing actor, his body language and speech change according to the story he’s telling. His best impression to date is that of Mike Tyson. Every boxing fan loves the way Foxx embodies the speech of Mike Tyson perfectly. Every fan adores the way Foxx manages to make every story as interesting as the previous one. And a segment from an old Jamie Foxx interview is going crazy over the Internet, after a whole 7 years.

Foxx shared an incident of an After-party after Tyson came out of prison, where he told the people that for some reason, Mike Tyson did not like the famous American singer-songwriter, Sisqo. Moreover, Tyson even told the singer to get away from him. Additionally, he kept yelling that he doesn’t like ‘Thong Song’, a song performed by Sisqo.

And then he goes on to talk about how Mike Tyson did not want a girl to come close to him because of his traumatic history. Foxx enunciated, “A girl asked Mike can I take a picture with you? ‘Get the f**k away from me, you don’t wanna take a picture. You want to put me back in jail, that’s what you want.’ And we was like Oh. ‘You wanna put me back in jail.’”


He said, “He pulled a face like this because Stevie got to see what’s going on if he started swinging. If he started swinging, I need to see what’s going on.” Well, even after watching this interview, the idea of Jamie Foxx playing Tyson in his biopic is an idea that’s further solidified by the actor’s talent and range.

Fans are set to get their wish as the legendary actor will

Foxx will play Tyson in a new series
The biopic movie was first announced back in 2015 when news emerged that Jamie Foxx will play the lead in the film. But since then, there have been a lot of changes in the production team. According to the latest reports, it will be a limited series rather than just a movie. ‘Training Day’ director, Antonio Fuqua, is set to direct it with Martin Scorsese serving as the Executive Director for the series.


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