Teddy Long Thinks WWE Didn’T Want Him To Make Money So He Kept Complaining About John Laurinaitis To The Undertaker


Teddy Long is one of the most beloved WWE personalities of all time, who served as the SmackDown General Manager from 2004 to 2012. He became a regular fixture on Friday nights, with his backstage and in-ring segments being a massive hit with fans. Teddy Long was rewarded with an induction into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2017.

On Sportskeeda Wrestling’s The Wrestling Time Machine podcast hosted by Mac Davis, Long revealed why he never had any action figure of his own. The former SmackDown General Manager stated that he once asked John Laurinaitis about the same, who told him that consumers weren’t interested in purchasing his action figures.

As expected, this didn’t go down well with Teddy Long, who then approached The Undertaker to speak to Vince McMahon about Laurinaitis.

“I’ll tell you story and I think that may be from John Laurinaitis because I remember going to him one time and asking him why didn’t I have any action figure. They said they had already talked to the consumers, and the consumers said they wouldn’t buy my doll. He had the nerve to say that to me. So that was the time I went to The Undertaker, and I asked him if he would go to Vince McMahon and speak about what Laurinaitis told me,” said Teddy Long.


Teddy Long thinks WWE didn’t want him to make money
Furthermore, Teddy Long explained that if WWE had introduced his action figure, he would have stood a chance to make a lot more money than he already did. Long believes the promotion didn’t want him to make any more bucks.

“They didn’t want me to make any money. That’s the key to that. They thought if they made money, I would make money. So you gotta understand that people think when you get money, you get power. So they didn’t want me to have money more power. That’s the way I look at it,” added Teddy Long.


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